Sunday 10 April 2016

Day 7 - Food, Wine & Whisky

Day 7 - Thursday 31st March

Ged rose for an early morning run to Taroona and back. Steve didn't :-).

We had bought each other a Gourmania tour for Christmas. The was a 4 hour, 10 stop walking tour of Hobart, tasting the best Tasmania had to offer. We were the only two on the tour and our hostess was Mary McNeill, a sixth generationTasmanian with a background as a local and international chef and 20 years in hospitality.

We met by the brass statue shown below and then ate and drank our way through salmon, delicatessens, pastries, sushi, wine, calamari, spices, whisky, cheese and sorbet.  Mary was superb, knew the food, the history and, it seemed, the family connections for every stop. Not sure if we could name the highlight, but the owners of Cool Wine were superb. We tasted some outstanding wines (and visited the wineries later), had fabulous Calamari at the Brunswick Hotel (the oldest in Hobart) and tasted some yummy whisky at Lark.

We both loved this tour and would recommend anyone adds it to their Hobart itinerary.

This Riesling had a touch of wildflower 

The best Pinot we tasted in Tassie
Feeling very satisfied, we headed back to our Moonrise View apartment for a bit of a relax. Ged cooked up the remaining Cox's Orange Pippin apples for lunch the next day. 

Ged relaxing at Moonrise

We wanted to try a nice seafood restaurant and were tossing up between three. Mary had recommended Prossers on the Beach, the winner of many a culinary award and noted for being the best seafood restaurant in Hobart, so off we headed. To be honest, it wasn't up to expectations (you can see Steve's review here: and we were gone within the hour. We took a walk along the beach and headed back for our last sleep in Hobart.

It had been a long day and, after soaking up the ambiance of our Moonrise View apartment we slept soundly

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